CrossFit Workouts to Try in a Gym Session | Rapture Fitness

CrossFit Workouts To Try In Your Next Gym Session

A fit and strong body requires lots of discipline and hard work. CrossFit takes that hard work to a whole new level with its high-intensity sessions that will surely leave you sweating buckets. If you are looking for a way to spice up your gym sessions, CrossFit can help level it up through its varied and functional movements. It may be challenging, but the results are sure worth the effort.

CrossFit workouts are characterised by movements from gymnastics, Olympic lifting and cardio exercises that are combined into one high-intensity session that usually lasts for 20-30 minutes or more. This often involves routine exercises like squats, push-ups and weight lifting for a certain period of time with high amounts of reps. It focuses on the elements of load, distance and speed to help you develop more power and endurance.

Benefits of CrossFit Workouts

CrossFit has a lot of benefits to offer. Here are some ways of how it can help you:

  • Improves your physical strength

CrossFit workout builds your muscle strength and stamina with its intense exercises. Its weightlifting part also contributes to your muscle gain.

  • Helps with agility, balance and flexibility

A CrossFit workout’s functional movements like squats, kettlebell swings, presses and jumps help your agility, balance and flexibility.

  • Decreases fat and weight

Having high-intensity interval training, CrossFit can burn a lot of calories and fats. It also has an afterburn effect, which lets your body continue to burn calories even after the workout.

  • Good for your heart

CrossFit workouts improve your target heart rate and maximum oxygen consumption. By doing intense exercises, you are not just toning your body, but also strengthening your heart.

  • Does not take too long

Given that it uses intense and fast movements, CrossFit can save you time as you spend only half of your usual time in the gym and still achieve great results. You will be able to free up more time in your day by choosing CrossFit workouts.

  • Strong community

CrossFit is known for its community support. There are a lot of people who will keep you motivated and can make your gym sessions fun by joining you in doing WODs.

  • Boosts your confidence

Seeing the effects of your CrossFit training on your body can help you gain more confidence and other positive personal impacts. The other people in the community will also encourage and motivate you to reach new heights.

Popular Crossfit WODs

Ready to sweat and start doing CrossFit? Here are some of the best workouts that you should try in your next gym session.

1. Helen

Helen focuses on cardio and strength. It starts with a 400-m run and then requires you to do 21 kettlebell swings, followed by 12 pull-ups. You have to do three rounds of this. Your target time is under 12 minutes.

2. Jackie

Jackie consists of three exercises: a 100-metre row, 50 thrusters (with a standard weight of 45 pounds) and 30 pull-ups.

3. Angie

Angie requires you to endure 100 reps of four different exercises as fast as you can. Specifically, you need to do 100 pull-ups, 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups and 100 squats. 

4. Murph

Murph is more of a marathon rather than a sprint. It involves a 1-mile run, 100 pull-ups, 200 press-ups, 300 air squats and one more 1-mile run.

Trivia: this workout is known as a Hero WOD and was named after Lt.  Michael P Murphy, who was killed in Afghanistan in 2005.

5. Daniel

Another Hero WOD, Daniel is dedicated to Sgt. Daniel Crabtree. This comprises 50 pull-ups, 400-metre run, 21 thrusters (95/65 pounds), 800-metre run, 21 thrusters (95/65 pounds), another 400-metre run and 50 pull-ups.

6. Linda

This one is known as ‘the three bars of death’ and can give you a hard time lifting your arms the next day. It involves 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 reps of deadlifts that are 1.5x your bodyweight. It is followed by bench presses (your body weight) and cleans that are 0.75x your body weight.

Crossfit Workouts for Beginners

If you are new to CrossFit, the exercises and reps may look overwhelming at first. You do not have to jump straight to dreadful 100 reps because there are workouts that are fit for beginners like you. Here are some of them.

1. Fran

When it comes to CrossFit, Fran is a classic workout. For this, you have to do 21, 15 and 9 reps of thrusters (front squats into push presses), followed by pull-ups. You have to do this as fast as you can, ideally under six minutes. The standard thruster weight for men is 95 pounds and 65 pounds for women.

2. Cindy

Contrary to the first one on this list that pushes you to finish as fast as you can, Cindy requires the completion of as many reps as you can in exactly 20 minutes. The reps include 5 pull-ups, 10 press-ups and 15 air squats. It only uses bodyweight movements, so it is good for beginners.

3. Annie

Annie involves 50, 40, 30, 20 and then 10 reps of double-unders, which pertain to a jump rope passing under your feet twice in one jump and sit-ups.

4. Diane

Diane is composed of 21, 15, and 9 reps of deadlifts, which have 225 pounds standard weight for men and 155 pounds for women. It is closed by 9 handstand push-ups.

Rapture Fitness Crossfit Program

Rapture Fitness is a CrossFit style gym in Sydney, NSW that welcomes all fitness levels of all ages. We combine strength, conditioning, gymnastics and Olympic lifting into workouts to help you get the results that you want. 

We have experienced personal trainers that offer one-to-one training, duo sessions and one-to-one express sessions. There is no minimum term or contract period and no joining/admin fee needed - just your passion to be fit and healthy. If you are interested in starting CrossFit style workouts, we would love to have you in our community. Visit us today.

Alanna McDowell